Customer service
Welcome to the Customer Service page of Tintelingen. On this page you will find some links to common questions and the ways to contact our customer service.
Would you like to contact us directly? Then click on the button in the bottom right corner!
General phone number customer service:
You can reach us on working days from 8.00 till 20.00, on Saturdays from 9.00 till 18.00.
Asking the helpdesk a question
If you have a question whose answer cannot be found on this page or in the FAQs, you can ask our customer service. You will find the telephone number and e-mail address at the bottom of this page where you can contact our customer service.
Questions & Complaints
If you have a question, please feel free to contact the customer service. You can send us an E-Mail (, call the customer service: 088 8468354 or fill out the contact form, which you will find at the bottom of this page. In case your question/problem has not been solved after having contacted our customer service, you can file a written complaint against us, by E-Mail or letter mentioning your name, address, residence and access code/password to:
att. Klachtenafhandeling
Postbus 228
5201 AT ’s Hertogenbosch
You can send your E-Mail to:
As soon as we have received your letter/e-mail we will send you a confirmation. You will receive a definitive answer within 7 calendar days upon acknowledgement.
More information about the arbitration board can be found on
Adress details Tintelingen
Corridor 11
5466 RB Veghel
Postal address
Tintelingen Postbus 228
5201 AE 's-Hertogenbosch
Tintelingen is registered with the East Brabant Chamber of Commerce under number 17155262. Tintelingen is known to the tax authorities under VAT number NL812598623B01.